A Calendar Shift Experiment

Calendars have always been a bit of a puzzle for me. I can never quite figure out the best way to manage my tasks and events. To add a layer of intrigue, I’ve got not one, not two, but four calendar apps on my devices. However, I’m only using two of them. You might wonder why – I suppose I enjoy making life a bit more interesting.

Last week, I had an interesting conversation with my partner about the start of the week on our calendars. I asked her if she considered Sunday or Monday as the beginning of the week. Surprisingly, she said, “In my mind, it’s Monday because that’s the start of my actual workweek.” But on her calendars, it’s marked as Sunday. I found it peculiar and complex to have a different calendar structure mentally versus physically. I’ve always set my calendar to start on Sunday, simply because it’s the default setting on most calendars, both paper ones and digital. Now, I’m experimenting with setting Monday as the start of my week for the next two weeks. I’m curious to see if this change will affect my perspective on the week’s structure.

Thoughts? Email me.

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