2024-W02 - 8 to 14 January

Back in the emergency room

I thought the first two weeks of 2024 were bad because of my recurring gas pain. Here I am in the emergency room again, but this time I’m scheduled for an operation.

We rushed to the emergency room around 4:00 AM because I had been experiencing stomach pains overnight. This was alarming to me because it was the first time the pain had persisted overnight, despite taking my medication, drinking tea, and doing deep breaths. I insisted on going to the ER immediately.

After a few hours in the ER, receiving a few drips of Omeprozole and a few injections, the pain subsided. I was scheduled for discharge after 5 hours in the ER. A new doctor came to check on me and asked if we could wait in the ER to see if the pain returned after eating. She recommended scheduling an ultrasound to determine the cause of this recurring pain. While I was in the ultrasound room, I overheard the sonographer mention “tiny”, “positive”, and something that sounded concerning. At that moment, I had a feeling that things weren’t looking great.

Acute calculous cholecystitis.

A bowl of ramen would be really great right now to calm me down.

So here I am, once again lying down in the emergency room, waiting for my scheduled surgery tomorrow. I’m tired and exhausted, but all I want is for this to be over. I’m also anticipating the doctors coming in and questioning me repeatedly.

That’s all for now. I will update once I return from the operation. Stay healthy!

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