2024-W04 - 22 to 28 January

Still in recovery mode

This week has been really good for me! I can now walk and stand on my own, and I’ve even been able to walk for more than 10 minutes. It’s a great start to add exercise into my daily routine and avoiding any side effects from my surgery. Although I still need some help here and there, and I can’t drive yet, I’m making progress. I had my first follow-up check-up last Thursday, and it went well. I received some good news too. First, my vitals are all good, like my blood pressure is normal, and the best news is that I’m not diabetic. Considering that diabetes runs in my family, this was a major concern for me before my surgery. Two, I can now enjoy my favorite dishes but there’s a catch that I think is bearable, I need to lessen or better to avoid saturated fat — I can live with that actually.

We finally purchased an Air Fryer to “reduce oil consumption”. And one time for lunch, we were trying to cook a marinated chicken but then we burned it. We laughed it off and bought food outside instead. My partner and I are still experimenting on herbs and spices on which can actually be better with certain recipes.


I ’ve been sober for six years
I 've been sober for six years

I am celebrating six years of sobriety this year. It is a humbling experience every time I mark another year, as I vividly recall the first day I had a good night’s sleep.

  • Socializing while staying sober can still be challenging when I go out with new friends. But I really appreciate it when they fully understand and respect my decisions.

  • Being in touch with your emotions and facing them head-on takes mindfulness to a whole new level. It may require practice to be fully present in overwhelming situations, but once you find that sense of peace within yourself then it becomes a serene experience.

But first, coffee

I just had my first cup of coffee this year, and it feels like I’m back to my normal self again. It’s not the usual kind of coffee I prefer because we bought a bunch of low-fat milk, so we need to finish that first before getting some oat milk. I also cleaned up my coffee corner, which now gives me the motivation to explore different coffee beans. I’m really excited to dive back into this expensive hobby!

The Week In Links

The Joys of Getting Organized by Zen Habits

Daft Social, The Anti-Social Social Network for Minimalists - The platform prioritizes simplification and reduction, restricting text formatting and character count in the subject line for consistency across email services.

Happy 40th Birthday, Macintosh - A lot of folks from Mastodon are sharing their first Mac https://mastodon.social/tags/MyFirstMac

Fun is a feeling, not an activity.

André 3000 New Blue Sun
I finally got around listening to André 3000's flute music. New Blue Sun feels so ethereal. It's the kind of music that you want to listen on a Sunday afternoon when you just want to slow down on things.

Thoughts? Email me.

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