2024-W06 - 5 to 11 February

I’m 4 weeks into recovery after gallbladder removal, but this week hasn’t been good. I have been experiencing some discomfort in my stomach when I move too much, like getting up from bed or walking longer distances. However, I believe this is simply because my surgical wounds are healing, so it’s likely that the internal wounds are healing as well.

Over the past two weeks I have been switching between different web browsers. I am considering writing a blog post about this. I still find myself consistently using the Arc Browser. Its vertical tabs and Little Arc feature are particularly impressive and useful.

The Week In Links

🤯 The Slack acronym is wild but also makes perfect sense!

🦋 Bluesky is finally open to the public - I only opened the app three times last year then forgot about it. It was confusing, but might give it another try this time.

💖 How to Address What’s Really Causing Your Avoidance - What causes our avoidance? Leo Babauta of zen habits walks us through the emotional roots of avoidance.

🥸 Frame by Brilliant Labs is the new AI wearable device in the game. I am curious about how the user interface would accommodate individuals with astigmatism and visual impairments.

I absolutely enjoy making playlists for every occasion and mood. This week, I came across a Spotify playlist that really resonated with me. What I love about this playlist is that it aligns well with my taste in music. Almost every song in this playlist is either already in my personal collection or one that I really enjoy.

Soft 90s Playlist by Spotify
Soft 90s Playlist by Spotify.

Thoughts? Email me.

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