2024-W09 - 26 February to 3 March

person running in a field
My niece, in the track relay race

I had eagerly anticipated my days off to prepare for my new job starting Monday. But due to unforeseen events, I had to travel back to my hometown to support my niece in her first City Division Athletic Meet. She was invited by the athletics advisor to participate, and she accepted the challenge. The athletics advisor invited her to participate, and she accepted. We never imagined her engaging in active sports, as she has always been more of a board game enthusiast—especially chess!

Having been an athlete during my elementary and high school years, I felt compelled to watch and support her in any way possible.

The Week in Links

🐭 Happy Dune Part Two to those who celebrate!

🐘 My favorite Mastodon client Mona just had a huge update for Mona 6

🟨 James Clear made a habits app and it’s called Atoms. The app is focused on helping you build small habits and make tiny changes that lead to big results. Click here to download it. (iOS only right now, Android coming soon!). I used it this week for my new habits that are scheduled next month and I really like the haptic touch and I already love the Mindset corner which has Daily Lesson and Atoms 101. But with that $16.99/month, $120/year heavy price… I don’t think it’s sustainable for those who are creating habits on saving money. I’m probably going to pass on this after my trial because it is just way too expensive.

🟩 Matt Web created an app called Galactic Compass presents you with a floating arrow with one purpose: to point the direction of the central supermassive black hole of the Milky Way galaxy, known as Sagittarius A*. This was in collaboration with ChatGPT?

👱🏻‍♂️ The 2023 Kottke Redesign - I’ve always loved how personal Jason Kottke’s blog is and the new redesign is modern yet still feels personal in any way. There’s a trip down to memory lane of his site redesigns over the past years.

🤖 AI Chat Is Not (Always) the Answer via Nielsen Norman Group - AI advancements offer new possibilities but also pressure. Rushing to integrate AI chat into your product will not solve all user needs.

🌐 Tumblr and WordPress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI Tools via 404 Media - A lot is going on with Automattic doing some weird stuff on users’ data this week. User data privacy is at risk, and the lack of transparency and detailed responses from Automattic raises concerns about accountability.

Getaway by PREP feat. Phum Viphurit
New PREP song "Getaway" featuring Phum Viphurit

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