2024-W11 - 11 to 17 March

You know what’s kind of nice about working the night shift? I actually spend way less time mindlessly scrolling through social media. Instead, I get more stuff done around the house and have more alone time – which can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. The downside is we don’t have much time to cook decent meals. We’re actually thinking of signing up for one of those meal delivery services next week to make life easier. I still consider myself an early bird in a sense, it’s just that my “early” is more like 2pm! My whole schedule is flipped now. My body just operates on a different clock than regular 9-to-5 folks here in the Philippines. Having pre-prepped meals would be clutch until we can have something set on this routine.

I got my wisdom tooth taken out last Friday, which was much needed! I’d been dealing with this nagging, mild discomfort in my mouth for about a week before the extraction. It wasn’t agonizing pain or anything, but more just this constant annoyance that made me feel low-key insane. I tried to tough it out without painkillers since it was bearable, but that dull ache was always there, lingering in the background and driving me up the wall. After about 9 days, I decided to bite the bullet and go see the dentist, thinking I’d just get a quick consultation. But of course, one look at my swollen cheek and sore gums at the back, the dentist was like, “Yep, that wisdom tooth has got to go!” Here we go again, not even getting the luxury of deciding but I’m just relieved to finally be rid of that nagging discomfort.

The Week in Links

💾 about | ideas | now - aboutideasnow.com exists to help you find your people. A searchable collection, 1000s of personal websites exist on the internet, outside of social media — created by creators, thinkers, and doers of all sorts. Created by Peter Hagen and Louis Barclay - This is going to be another rabbit hole!

🐦 Lynn Fisher archived her tweets and actually made it look like Twitter

📄 Manuel Moreale’s People and Blogs series is so inspiring for blogging authentically. Instead of stressing about niches, it highlights people carving out their own spaces online by writing passions. His People and Blogs series has been a great way of discovering people and what they’ve done with their blogs and how to make them their own. Manuel reminds me blogging should be self-expression, not a chore. The one with Brad Barrish is probably my favorite edition — packed with a ton of great links to check out more of Brad’s work and other interesting people too.

🌐 The internet isn’t dying, it’s changing by Cory Dransfeldt

Communication can be slower, smaller in scale and healthier. Write a blog post, read another and author a thoughtful response. We don’t need to scroll endlessly and we don’t need content to be infinitely available.

👩🏻‍💻 You don’t have to be a “content creator” to have a website by Ana Rodrigues - Yes! It’s about being reachable! Heck, I want every local business to have their own website. I remember talking to some tourist years ago who were asking for directions. They said they had the hardest time finding this one shop because it had zero web presence. No website, not even a pinned location on Google Maps! A decent website doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy.

How Hans Zimmer Created the Score for 'Dune: Part Two'

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